Cabin Cancellations
Cabin Reservations
Initial Booking Deposit
A non-refundable deposit 10% per cabin reserved is required in order to hold your reservation, along with a valid VISA, MasterCard, Discover Card or American Express number on file and a signed confirmation letter. A cabin reservation made within 48 hours of the date of arrival is due and payable at the time of booking. The deposit can be paid by credit or debit card, money order, or personal check. Deposits paid by credit or debit card will be charged the day of reservation. Other deposit payment methods must be received within 8 days of reserving your cabin(s) or the reservation is subject to cancellation. Please note that a deposit(s) is non-transferrable to another BOC service, activity or store item(s).
Please note that for reservations involving multiple cabins and RiverWind or Ponca Creek Lodge, a deposit equaling 50% of the total amount due may be required, depending upon the demand for lodging for the time frame you are coming.
A confirmation letter will be emailed to you upon booking. Please carefully review the letter’s contents as it contains important information about your stay, including which cabin(s) you have booked and for what dates. Once you have reviewed the letter, please sign it and fax or email it to us immediately. Please notify us immediately if you do not receive it as the confirmation letter is critical to the securing of your reservation.
Final Payment
The balance of an account is due upon arrival and can be paid by credit or debit card, money order, personal check, or cash.
When making your reservation, you will have the opportunity to purchase our “Cancel It Now” Cancellation Service for 7% of your pre-tax account balance. This service permits you to cancel a cabin reservation(s) without penalty, less your pre-paid deposit(s) of 10% per cabin, by 12:00 PM on the date of arrival. The “Cancel It Now” Cancellation Service must be purchased at the time of reservation and if used, all dates within the reservation must be cancelled. Your pre-paid deposit(s) and “Cancel It Now” fee is non-refundable. To cancel, simply call our office staff (870-861-5514) by 12:00 PM on the date of arrival. You will receive an email cancellation confirming that your reservation(s) has been cancelled. Important to Note: Please note that an email or phone message cannot be accepted as a form of cancellation; we must speak with you in person in order to assure that your cancellation has been received.
“Peace of Mind” 48-Hour Cancellation
With our free “PEACE OF MIND” Cancellation Assurance, you may cancel a cabin reservation(s) 48 or more hours in advance of your date of arrival without penalty, less the non-refundable amount of your initial booking deposit of 10% per cabin / per day. For example, a Friday reservation must be cancelled by the close of business on the Wednesday of the same week. To cancel, call our office at 870-861-5514 by the close of business two days in advance of your arrival date. Please note that a cabin reservation(s) must be cancelled in full for all dates initially booked when it includes one or more days occurring within a time frame requiring a 2- or 3-night minimum stay, such as weekends and holidays. Once you have personally contacted us, we will send you a cancellation confirmation via email. Important Note: An email or phone message cannot be accepted as a form of cancellation; we must speak with you in person in order to assure that your cancellation has been received. HOLIDAY RESERVATION EXCEPTION: Please note that reservations occurring during select holiday time frames (please ask us if your reserved dates fall into one of these time frames) are ineligible for the “Peace of Mind” cancellation assurance option. Holiday-related reservations must be cancelled at least 30 days in advance of arrival in order to avoid full payment, less the pre-paid deposit.
Last Minute Cancellation
A cabin reservation(s) cancelled less than two days from date of arrival will be fully due and non-refundable unless you have pre-purchased our “Cancel It Now” Cancellation Service. For example, a Friday reservation cancelled beyond the close of business on the Wednesday of the same week is subject to full payment. The amount owed will be charged to the credit card holding the reservation at the time of cancellation. To cancel, call our office staff during business hours at 870-861-5514.
Refunds / Adjustments
Buffalo Outdoor Center does not issue refunds or adjustments due to factors out of our control, e.g. weather, illness, personal reasons or early check-out. Prices and policies are subject to change without notice. Buffalo Outdoor Center reserves the rights to correct any pricing errors without refund.
Holiday Reservations
Please scroll down the page to our holiday booking guidelines for this year.
For additional cabin rental information, such as pets, additional guests, and helpful area information, please click here: BOC Lodging Rental Policies & Other Information.
Riverwind & Ponca Creek Lodge Reservations
Initial Booking Deposit
A non-refundable deposit of 20% per lodge reserved is required in order to hold your RiverWind or Ponca Creek Lodge reservation, along with a valid VISA, MasterCard, Discover Card, or American Express number on file and a signed confirmation letter. A lodge reservation made 60 or less days out from date of arrival is due and payable at the time of booking The deposit can be paid by credit or debit card, money order, or personal check. Deposits paid by credit or debit card will be charged the day of reservation. Other deposit payment methods must be received within 8 days of reserving your cabin(s) or the reservation is subject to cancellation. Please note that a deposit(s) is non-transferrable to other BOC services, activities or store purchases.
Please note that for reservations involving RiverWind or Ponca Creek Lodge and additional cabins, a deposit equaling 50% of the total amount due may be required, depending upon the demand for lodging for the time frame you are coming.
Final Payment
The balance of an account is due upon arrival and can be paid by credit or debit card, money order, personal check, or cash.
A RiverWind or Ponca Creek lodge cancellation received 61 or more days out from arrival date is released of obligation less the initial 20% reserved booking deposit. The lodges are unique properties that typically book months in advance. In view of this, a cancellation for RiverWind or Ponca Creek Lodge received 60 or less days out from date of arrival is still owed for and the reserving party is responsible for it. The amount due will be charged to the credit card holding the reservation.
Please Call in Cancellations
An email or phone message cannot be accepted as a form of cancellation; we must speak with you in person in order to assure that your cancellation has been received. Contact us by phone (870-861-5514) or fax (870-861-5501).
Holiday-Related Lodging Reservations
Reservations involving select holiday or peak season time frame(s) may require a 2- or 3-night minimum reservation. Please ask our office staff for the specific nightly minimum for the holiday you’re wishing to book. These holidays may include but are not limited to: New Year’s Eve & Day, Valentine’s Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas. CABINS: A holiday-related reservation cancelled less than 30 days out from date of arrival for a cabin —regardless of reason—is still owed and the reserving party is responsible for it. The amount due will be charged to the credit card holding the reservation. RIVERWIND LODGE & PONCA CREEK LODGE: A holiday-related reservation cancelled less than 90 days out from date of arrival for RiverWind or Ponca Creek Lodge –regardless of reason–is still owed and the reserving party is responsible for it. The amount due will be charged to the credit card holding the reservation.
“Cancel It Now” Cancellation Service
When making your reservation, you will have the opportunity to purchase our “Cancel It Now” Cancellation Service for 7% of your pre-tax account balance. This service permits you to cancel RIVERWIND or PONCA CREEK LODGE(s) reservation without penalty, less your pre-paid deposit(s) of 20% per lodge, 30 prior to the date of arrival for standard dates and 60 days prior to arrival for holiday dates. The “Cancel It Now” Cancellation Service must be purchased at the time of reservation and if used, all dates within the reservation must be cancelled. Your pre-paid deposit(s) and “Cancel It Now” fee is non-refundable. Important to Note: Please note that an email or phone message cannot be accepted as a form of cancellation; we must speak with you in person in order to assure that your cancellation has been received.
RV Campground Reservations
Initial Booking Deposit
A non-refundable deposit of $15 per campsite / per night reserved is required in order to hold your reservation, along with a valid Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express Card number on file. A confirmation email will be sent to you upon booking. A RV site(s) reservation made within 48 hours of the date of arrival is due and payable at the time of booking.
Final Payment
The balance is due upon arrival and can be paid by credit card, debit card, money order, personal check or cash.
Cancellation Policies
When making your reservation, you will have the opportunity to purchase our “Cancel It Now” Cancellation Service for 7% of your pre-tax account balance. This service permits you to cancel a RV site(s) without penalty, less your pre-paid deposit(s) of $15 per site / per night, by 10:00 AM on the date of arrival. The “Cancel It Now” Cancellation Service must be purchased at the time of reservation and if used, all dates within the reservation must be cancelled. Your pre-paid deposit(s) and “Cancel It Now” fee is non-refundable. To cancel, simply call our office staff (870-861-5514) by 10:00 AM on the date of arrival. You will receive and email cancellation confirming that your reservation(s) has been cancelled. Important to Note: Please note that an email or phone message cannot be accepted as a form of cancellation; we must speak with you in person in order to assure that your cancellation has been received.
“Peace of Mind” 48-Hour Cancellation
With our free “PEACE OF MIND” Cancellation Assurance, you may cancel a RV site(s) reservation 48 or more hours in advance of your date of arrival without penalty, less the non-refundable amount of your initial booking deposit of $15 per site / per day. For example, a Friday reservation must be cancelled by the close of business on the Wednesday of the same week. To cancel, call our office at 870-861-5514 by the close of BOC business two days in advance of your arrival date. Please note that a RV campsite(s) reservation must be cancelled in full for all dates initially booked when it includes a one or more days occurring within a time frame requiring a 2- or 3-night minimum stay, such as weekends and holidays. Once you have personally contacted us, we will send you a cancellation confirmation via email. Important Note: An email or phone message cannot be accepted as a form of cancellation; we must speak with you in person in order to assure that your cancellation has been received. HOLIDAY RESERVATION EXCEPTION: Please note that reservations occuring during select holiday time frames (please ask us if your reserved dates fall into one of these time frames) are ineligible for the “Peace of Mind” cancellation assurance option. Holiday-related reservaitons must be cancelled at least 30 days in advance of arrival in order to avoid full payment, less the pre-paid deposit.
Last Minute Cancellation
A RV campsite(s) reservation cancelled less than two days from date of arrival will be fully due and non-refundable unless you have pre-purchased our “Cancel It Now” Cancellation Serivce. For example, a Friday reservation cancelled beyond the close of business on the Wednesday of the same week is subject to full payment. The amount owed will be charged to the credit card holding the reservation at the time of cancellation. To cancel, call our office staff at 870-861-5514 during business hours.
Refunds / Adjustments
Buffalo Outdoor Center does not issue refunds or adjustments due to factors out of our control, e.g. weather, illness, personal reasons or early check-out. Prices and policies are subject to change without notice. Buffalo Outdoor Center reserves the rights to correct any pricing errors without refund.